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8 Health & Wellness Apps For Android

8 Health & Wellness Apps For Android

With all of the apps out there, it's hard to decide which ones are worth trying and keeping around. There is literally an app for everything but having an app for literally everything can become counter-productive. We've tested apps for Android devices within the health and wellness genre to find the ones we think are worth the phone space. Better yet, they're all FREE! From sleep to fitness to shopping, check out our results below:

Android Sleep
Free for the first few weeks, it's hard not to fall in love with this app. If you're looking for a trustworthy sleep tracker that also serves as a brilliant alarm clock plus more, this one is best. It's worth the $2.99 purchase after the trial is up but wait it out for a good deal as low as $.99. Some of our favorite features include the charts on details like hours slept, sleep deficit, deep sleep and more. These charts result in advice including how long your sleep duration should ideally be as well as your fall asleep hour. Another of our favorite features is the smart alarm. Sent time intervals from 5 minutes to 2 hours and your alarm will wake you up at an optimal sleep phase. The time your alarm is set for is the latest your alarm will go off. 

Created by Cassey Ho, YouTube Fitness Star and founder/blogger of Blogilates.com, this app is ideal for those who want to get in a good workout daily without going to the gym. Cassey shares a monthly workout calendar which has all of the links to your daily workouts. The app also shares healthy recipes and includes a community space to encourage others trying to lead healthier lifestyles.

This app obviously only works if you have the wearable. If you are a Fitbit user, the app is not only great for tracking exercise and steps but also sleep. Fitbit wearers are a bit torn on its effectiveness lately claiming it doesn't count steps when it should and does when it shouldn't. We love this app and the wearable simply for the sleep perks. See how long you're sleeping, how well you're actually sleeping and set a reminder to go to bed earlier if you had a bad night's sleep. 

FitStar Personal Trainer
Get workouts tailored to your skill level and time availability with a handheld personal trainer. This app is great for anyone who wants that personal training aspect of a gym but can't afford it or simply has no interest in going to the gym. The thing with these at-home apps is that you need to be great at holding yourself accountable. 

Similar to My Fitness Pal, Fooducate is a meal tracker. It helps count calories as well as nutrition value and is a great tool if you're on a specific type of diet. Find healthy ingredients and foods to incorporate into your diet with the "Food Finder," stay motivated in the community and get daily tips delivered via notification each morning.

My Fitness Pal
Looking to track calorie and nutrition intake? This app is probably the most popular of the health and wellness apps. With challenges and the ability to connect with friends and support each other, it's community driven on top of already being informative and educational. Make sure to check out some of their recipes for healthy eating inspiration.

PopSugar Active
Looking change up your workout regularly? PopSugar has dozens of workouts that can be tailored to type of workout, body part and even machine. It consists of videos as well as "itineraries" of sorts you can save to your phone or download for later. This app is great if you want to get more out of the gym machines like the elliptical and treadmill as well as if you want to get in quick workouts that are also effective.

ShopWell helps make sure you're shopping smart at the grocery store. Scan the item you're about to purchase and see if there is a healthier option in the store. You can also receive recommendations for stores in your area by connecting your location. A perk with this app is that the settings for your profile include diet restrictions and specialties like a low FODMAP diet or non-dairy. By choosing these you'll get a notification if a product you're about to purchase contains any red flags.

What health and fitness apps do you use? Share them in the comments below!

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