

Welcome to Lattes, Life & Luggage! I’m Christine and I share my adventures traveling and navigating this crazy thing we call life.

Why Promoting On Social Media Is Important

Why Promoting On Social Media Is Important

Do you have a love/hate relationship with social media? Me too. I love that it allows us to connect with distant family members. I love that it makes it easy to stay up-to-date on current events. I love that it let’s me share my content and content from others sites with all of you. I hate that it has created a world of 24-hour availability. I hate that it is always changing. I hate that it can be challenging to master. While social media in general and each social channel comes with its pros and cons, we can't deny that social media is important in any business model.

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According to an article on Small Business Trends, “8 in 10 internet users globally visit/use social networks on their mobile devices” and “Around 1 in every 3 minutes spent online is devoted to social networking and messaging.” People are always connected wherever they go. Not capitalizing on this opportunity to connect with them is borderline negligent. Small Business Trends additionally reported on social media marketing statistics from businesses. According to their research, “Almost 90% of marketers say their social media marketing efforts have increased exposure for their business, and 75% say they’ve increased traffic.” More important, over “1 in 3 Internet users say they go to social networks when looking for more information about a brand or product.”

So what do we do with this information? First, look at your demographics. Research social media stats for each demo whether it’s by age, gender, income, location, etc. See where they are the most present and tailor your strategy so that you’ll reach them with the proper information. Second, build a digital brand that has a strong image and consistent presence regardless which social media platforms you use. The #1 key to success in social media marketing is consistency in your brand while reaching your audience. Finally, integrate digital ad campaigns into your organic content. It’s important to be sharing the same messaging whether your content is organic or paid. The less your ad and boosted content feels like...well, an ad...the more receptive the audience will be.

Owning a business in today’s world might seem more complicated but it has the potential to lead to greater success. A business is able to reach people that may have never heard of it without the power of social media. It can be a challenge to find a strategy that works well but once figured out, it is an unparalleled asset. Embrace the world of social media and use it to your advantage. Whether you’re promoting blog content or products, your business will be better off for it.

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