

Welcome to Lattes, Life & Luggage! I’m Christine and I share my adventures traveling and navigating this crazy thing we call life.

June Spotlight

June Spotlight

Oh, June...the kick-off to summer, graduation parties, birthdays and backyard barbecues. The month where we should all be thinking about fitting into less clothing but end up eating far more than we need. It’s also the month to gather and see friends and family you might not have seen for a while. It’s a great time to catch up, check-in with the people who we might have lost touch with since Christmas. Hopefully it’s the month or leading up to a month with lots of travel planned. Nothing screams summer vacation like actually heading somewhere other than home. And for those of us who’d prefer to get away from the scorching temperatures, it’s a time to escape the heat. Regardless of what June holds for you, I hope you enjoy it and that you have something to look forward to this summer. We all deserve a little summer vacation whether we’re 5 or 50.

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Moulin Rouge is premiering on Broadway in Boston next month and I’m really trying to figure out how to get there to see Aaron Tveit as Christian

I recently looked into hotel prices for Paris on a whim and it looks like a trip might be on the horizon so I’m slowly doing research to get back sooner than anticipated (imagine a thousand exclamation points here)...

Crazy work days have been calling for regular recharging. Loving some of these oils right now…

A few personal reasons have kept me from traveling this year but the bug is very much alive and kicking. I’m trying to decide what type of trip I want to focus on for the rest of 2018…

When you’re in the process of redecorating and can’t stop looking at French country style inspiration…

Beach reads that offer you more than just entertainment...

Ready for all the food festivals this summer...

[from top left]
Blackberry Jam
Garlic Butter Tilapia with Lemon Panko Gremolata
Herb Roasted Chicken with Baby Potatoes
Pumpkin Pancakes with Cinnamon Maple Butter

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It’s been a bit uneventful lately. My day job consumed practically the entire month of May and the first week of June. That’s actually why it was pretty quiet around here. Sometimes one part of life takes over and everything else needs to take a backseat. The weekend was a nice reprieve from the insanity and I’m looking forward to another. I have a lot of fun events and plans the next few weeks that will be great to share on Instagram. Next week, I’ll be previewing a new restaurant in the Sears Tower (Willis Tower for you non-Chicagoans), having dinner at a restaurant in the north suburbs and staying overnight as well, plus my girlfriends and I have happy hour next Friday! My brain is exploding with all the Instagram opportunities and since I finally got my story highlights set up, I’m more motivated to use them.

Content for June is all about summer. We’ve got recipes to avoid heating up the house and recipes that are lighter so you don’t feel gross after dinner. There are also a few more brunch recipes I’ll be sharing and these two are just as good as the first one. The Farmer’s Market series is also starting this month which is something I’m particularly excited about. I mentioned it in last month’s spotlight as well but to recap, I’m creating a challenge for myself to use locally grown, seasonal produce more often. Each week, I’ve set a budget for the farmers market and I have to write a recipe using the ingredients that I’ve bought. The first few recipes are a bit sparing since we’re just starting to get our crops in but they’re pretty darn tasty if I may say so.

We’re in the thick of bedroom redesigns! We’ve got the main color throughout my walls and there are just a few finishing touches left. I’m really excited now that you can start to see the transformation. I still haven’t figured out what new bedspread or blinds I want though! It’s such a hard decision. I think I might just have to go to a few stores and check them out in person. I’m in the thick of Paris Ever After by K.S. Burns. I haven’t been the best reader since the last monthly spotlight but I am about 60% of the way through so I call that a success. I like it so far but the main character’s “husband” makes me crazy mad and her current inability to see how awful he is, is even more infuriating. More on that when I finally finish though. Hot Mess by Emily Belden is up next and I am really excited to read that one. I’m still hoping to see Moulin Rouge in Boston but I haven’t been able to pin down dates to make tahe trip. Lea Michele and Darren Criss are bringing the LMDC tour to The Chicago Theater later this month and I am DYING to see them as well. There are honestly so many great concerts coming up this summer, it’s hard to choose which ones to go to!

Currently in love with the Gillian and Maladee sandals from Sole Society…

*NSYNC celebrated their anniversary and now gems like this vintage tee-shirt are popping up regularly. You can even buy their albums on vinyl

I’m still obsessed with everything Magnolia by Joanna Gaines. I’ve also decided I need to start adding more serving platters and fun cutting boards to my kitchen collection...

Southwestern Chicken Pita Pockets | Lighter Recipes For Summer

Southwestern Chicken Pita Pockets | Lighter Recipes For Summer

5 Places To Travel & Escape The Heat

5 Places To Travel & Escape The Heat