

Welcome to Lattes, Life & Luggage! I’m Christine and I share my adventures traveling and navigating this crazy thing we call life.

From Paris To A Dystopian Chicago

From Paris To A Dystopian Chicago


Time for Literary Junkies Tuesday! I can't believe it's the third Tuesday of the year already. January is flying by if you ask me. Tonight we will be discussing

The Chaperone

by Laura Moriarty on Twitter 7PM central time. So make sure to join us if you can. All are welcome! Join us in our February read:

Let's Pretend This Never Happened

by Jenny Lawson









1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it.

I am currently finishing up

Paris in Mind

edited by Jennifer Lee. It's a compilation of short stories and passages from books, journals, poems, etc. that have to do with being an American in Paris. It's basically feeding my nostalgia of the trip I had a year and a half ago living in Paris. I've been missing it so much and I want to bring Paris back into my life, even when I'm not physically there so I though this was a great way to do that. I also just love some of the people that were included in this compilation.

2. Out of the 16 books that will be turned into a movie adaptation, which one are you most looking forward to seeing this year? (

Article Link


I'm really looking forward to


but I'm also looking forward to

The Vampire Academy.

I'm really nervous about that one though because I loved the books so much. They have all new and young actors which I'm not super crazy about. I had an idea for the cast and not one of them are included. Hopefully they'll give this movie the amazingness it deserves. 

3. What was the worst book you've ever read?

Lord of the Flies.

God help me if I ever have to read a word of that again I'm going to lose my mind. I had the pleasure of reading it not once, but twice. My creative writing teacher in 7th grade thought it was a good idea to read it to us. Then my senior year of high school English class voted to read it instead of

Brave New World.

I wanted to jump out the second floor window when that decision was made. 

4. What foods or beverages have you spilled on a book while reading? Anything good?

Coffee is my biggest problem. I don't usually eat while I read, just drink. So depending on the time of day, I've spilled coffee and wine on books before.


5. Do you picture characters as popular film or tv actors? Or do you create a whole new person in your head?

Sometimes. Most of the time I create a person from what I imagine out of the description the author gives. But if I read a book after a movie or after I know who'll be playing the characters in a move, I'll picture the celebs. I did that for

The Last Song

because I'm pretty sure the actors for the move were announced before the book was even put on the market. I've also done it for the

Sookie Stackhouse Novels. 

6. Out of all the authors you've read books by, who's brain would you want to pick the most?

This is a really good question. I really wish I could sit down and have a conversation with Hemingway. I think that would have been a great experience. I would also have loved to talk with Shakespeare. I just want to fill in all the blanks and all of the stories that are told about his life and the origination of the ideas and stories behind his plays. I feel like he would be a really interesting character. One other, I'd love to sit down with the Fitzgeralds. I know all these are classic writers that have been long dead but I feel they would be the most interesting to talk with of anyone I've ever read before. Truman Capote is another I would have loved to have a conversation with.


Always Keep Paris In Mind

Always Keep Paris In Mind

Meet Cora, A Character I've Connected With Like Never Before

Meet Cora, A Character I've Connected With Like Never Before